[Capability of giving pleasure; cause or source of pleasure.] Pleasurableness.


 Noun: pleasurableness, pleasantness,  agreeableness adj.; pleasure giving, jucundity, delectability;  amusement . attraction (motive) ; attractiveness, attractability;  invitingness adj.; harm, fascination, enchantment, witchery, seduction, winning ways, amenity, amiability; winsomeness.  loveliness (beauty) ; sunny side, bright side;  sweets (sugar) ;  goodness ; manna in the wilderness, land flowing with  milk and honey; bittersweet; fair weather.  treat;  regale (physical pleasure) ; dainty; titbit, tidbit;  nuts, sauce piquante.


 Verb: cause pleasure, produce pleasure, create pleasure, give pleasure,  afford pleasure, procure pleasure, offer pleasure, present pleasure, yield  pleasure .  please, charm, delight, becharm, imparadise;  gladden (make  cheerful) ; take, captivate, fascinate; enchant, entrance, enrapture,  transport, bewitch; enravish.  bless, beatify; satisfy; gratify, desire; &c. 865; slake, satiate,  quench; indulge, humor, flatter, tickle; tickle the  palate (savory) ; regale, refresh; enliven; treat;  amuse ; take one's fancy,  tickle one's fancy, hit one's fancy; meet one's wishes; win the heart,  gladden the heart, rejoice the heart, warm the cockles of the heart; do  one's heart good.  attract,  allure (move) ;  stimulate (excite) ; interest.  make things pleasant, popularize, gild the pill, sweeten.


 Adjective: causing  pleasure v.; laetificant; pleasure-giving, pleasing,  pleasant, pleasurable; agreeable; grateful, gratifying; leef|, lief,  acceptable; welcome, welcome as the roses in May; welcomed; favorite; to  one's taste, to one's mind, to one's liking;  satisfactory (good) .  refreshing; comfortable; cordial; genial; glad, gladsome; sweet,  delectable, nice, dainty; delicate, delicious; dulcet;  luscious ;  palatable ; luxurious, voluptuous;  sensual .  attractive ; inviting, prepossessing, engaging; winning,  winsome; taking, fascinating, captivating, killing; seducing, seductive;  heart-robbing, alluring, enticing; appetizing (exciting) ;  cheering ; bewitching; enchanting, entrancing, enravishing.  charming; delightful, felicitous, exquisite; lovely (beautiful) ; ravishing, rapturous; heartfelt, thrilling, ecstatic; beatic;  beatific; seraphic; empyrean;  elysian (heavenly) .  palmy, halcyon, Saturnian.


 Phrase: decies repetita placebit; "charms strike the sight but merit wins  the soul" [Pope]; "sweetness and light" [Swift].